In Day 2 of She Reads Truth's study Psalms of Gratitude, I am exploring Psalm 19:1-14. This Davidic psalm is written by one who has witnessed creation and scripture. When I look at creation, my busy and weary soul is calmed. Finding rest in what He has created for our pleasure. I am thankful for His goodness, His creation, and His perfection. I am continually learning to seek after Him (our Perfecter) not what the human mind conceives as perfection--I'll never be able to stack up. Because His law is perfect, I must confess my imperfections.
Who perceives my unintentional sins?
Who perceives my unintentional sins?
Cleanse me from _______________________.
my impatience.
my anger.
my judgement.
my brokenness.
Moreover, keep me from _______________________.
allowing those sins to harden my heart.
normalizing, rationalizing, and justifying those sins.
Do not let them rule over me.
Then I will be innocent and cleansed from blatant rebellion.
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.
I recognize that I am broken and that makes Jesus all the more beautiful in my eyes. Thank you, Lord, for being far more than my human mind can fathom, for being bigger than my big worries and imperfections, and for seeing your Son when you see me.
Your glory abounds, may I reflect Your glory in all I do.
Diving into Psalm 19:12-14, what are some issues you are working to surrender to the Lord?
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