Saturday, June 9, 2012

Teaching With Love and Laughter: 500 Follower Giveaway! It's a B-I-G One!

Guys, check out this great giveaway!!! What a great start to summer... :)

Teaching With Love and Laughter: 500 Follower Giveaway! It's a B-I-G One!: I am so excited to have reached over 500 followers! To show my sincere appreciation, I have put together a BIG giveaway, which includes prod...

Summer 2012

I have realized that I haven't posted at all...and I apologize! The school year was great and I already miss several of my kiddos. :) There's an awesome giveaway that is going down all over blog land!! Check this one out::

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Wow! Can you say, 'it's been forever' since I have blogged? Yes, you can. :/

It's now 2012 and I, like most, have some resolutions for this year.

-run a half-marathon. I'm going to sign up for it next week! I'll be running at the end of October.
-after straying from a reading plan, I'd like to actually read the Bible in one year.
-surrender the anger I have when driving to the Lord.
-eat healthier to be able to run my half-marathon.
-simply be thankful for what I have in this life--a family, friends, the sun rising and setting each day, etc.
-cut back on things I don't truly need--e.g. the coffee from Starbucks or those last minute items from HEB.
-call family more often--I call my parents daily, but I want to be in contact with my extended side, as well as Tyler's.
-spend time listening to the Lord. Set aside time during the crazy busy day to truly hear from Him.

What are the resolutions you have put before yourself for this year?