Friday, November 20, 2015

#FridayFive :: Five Senses

This fall season has been wonderful! We've actually enjoyed cooler (but not cold) weather in's rare, so we are basking in the beauty of it!

I'll be joining up with Mrs. Disciple's #FridayFive again in the theme of 'Five Sense,' so I'll be discussing what my senses are up to currently!


I thoroughly enjoyed a Peppermint Mocha this morning. Peppermint and chocolate are a beautiful marriage. Having been sick for a little while, having a warm cup of coffee is a tasty treat. A smile in a cup, if you will.

Last night, we celebrated 'Friendsgiving' and it was so delicious. A Thanksgiving Potluck at its finest. We supplied the corn casserole, a personal favorite of mine! It was perfect melding of friendship and food. To say that Friendsgiving was merely enjoyable is an understatement. 'Twas a wonderful way to begin the celebration of this holiday season and it beckons me to appreciate our community, our lot in life. To reflect on this life and be grateful. I long to have that perspective continually.


I am feeling so much better after coming down with a stomach bug. That in mind, I am feeling very blessed to be back to 100%. I was once told 'the best part of being sick is feeling better.' Boy, is that true?! There's a new low in life when you hug airport porcelain. That is something I wish on no one, for it is cruel and unusual punishment.


Just this morning, I got to see my baby girl CRAWLING (forward) for the first time. In just a few days, she went from 1-2 scoots to a full on crawl. Look out, world! Here comes Harper! I cannot wait to see what she does, who she becomes, and watch her grow into her name, personality, and character. She is such a blessing to us and I don't want to miss a single thing she accomplishes, even the most mundane of things. I want to always remember the blessing that she is and those sweet blessings that she brings to us, that is my prayer.


I love the smell of fall. The cool, crisp air. The smell of cinnamon, nutmeg, rosemary, sage, and apple are a perfect concoction for the fall enthusiast. The smell accompanies some delicious apple cider and a good book, perhaps some Longhorn football on the weekends. The fall, when Texas gets to experience it for a days, is a beautiful thing.

A pungent smell I encountered recently was in New York--the subway system! As we entered and exited a subway train, my nostrils were inundated with the specific 'New York subway stench,' but though it may sound gross, I was reminded of my childhood trips to Six Flags over Texas. The rides that my brother and I would ride over and over were the Mine Train and the Runaway Mountain. The ride would smell like grinding wet metal, a very distinct smell to me, and I loved that the subway reminded me of some fun summers had with my brother.


Wow, I could go on for days about The Lone Bellow's show that we went to last Friday night. Since that concert, I can do nothing but listen to them along with Leon Bridges. My soul longs for good music. Take me back, take me back. This is a full concert from another venue a while back. I am still brought to tears when I think back to their acoustic tribute to Paris. The raw emotion that is expressed in their show is something that I have NEVER seen before. Everyone needs to experience this.

I could also hear my daughter giggle for forever, days upon days. Every single time I hear her, I am reminded of many things...I am so thankful that she can laugh at the future, for it is in God's hands. I am thankful that she can giggle and enjoy life. That she can giggle and cast her cares on the Lord. Giggle and experience the things of this life for the first time, to have that fresh perspective. To giggle and trust that her needs will be met. Being a parent has opened my eyes to the relationship we have with our Heavenly Father. It's so very humbling and I want to continue to hear her giggle and coo so I can turn to the Lord with a new perspective and appreciation.

Would you like to link up with Mrs. Disciple for her #FridayFive? Tell me about your senses!


  1. I definitely get the smell thing. I love the smell of diesel, no because it's a good smell to most, but because it reminds me of every moment I've spent in Paris. Smells can do that, can't they?

    1. Yes! Smells are one my memory triggers. I love that diesel, of all things, brings Paris to mind.

  2. "Friendsgiving." I love it! I am with Jill---smells are strongly associated with memories. Every time I smell ammonia, my eyes water. My brother dumped an ammonia based cleaner on my face when i was little. The smell of oranges and cloves take me back to Christmas at my mom's house. Thank you, God, for allowing us to have aroma-memories!

    1. Aroma-memories! I love that term. Your Christmas smell is one I can identify with.

      Friendsgiving is wonderful and we love to partake in a meal midst our community of friends.

  3. I love to hear my kids laugh too...

    1. Baby giggles are just a sweet melody in my ear! I try to remember her sweet laugh when she's fussy.

  4. glad you are feeling better!! especially with such delicious food coming our way this week!!

    1. Yes, thank you! Thanksgiving would be an awful time to not be able to enjoy food!
