Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thankful Thursday

Today I'll be writing, as I hope to every Thursday, about what I'm thankful for! I'm writing in hopes of altering my perspective and enjoy each blessing.

I'm thankful that I get to watch Harper learn and grow. She is currently learning to roll over and we're working on crawling!

I'm thankful Tyler has been able to be home for some time now! I know it doesn't sound like a big deal but with all of his job sites, he has had to travel quite a bit. We've enjoyed this time together.

I'm thankful for LifeGroups! I love having the Juniors over at our house. I am so blessed by our time with them and have loved watching them grow and allowing them to grow and change me.

I'm thankful for Out of Sorts by Sarah Bessey! I recently learned that I am going to be on her Launch Team. I have downloaded the book and so look forward to starting it! Book launching has become somewhat of a hobby for me and I LOVE it.

I'm thankful for community. I love that the Lord has provided these ladies for me to live life with. Everyone needs a tribe, your people...those that are in your corner, fighting for you, praying for & with you, and loving you.

I'm thankful for a Run for the Water 5K on Nov. 1! It will be my first race post-Harper--and I am pretty pumped! Anxious, but ready to get back to it.

I'm thankful to visit family. We are about to head out to see Tyler's parents in Oregon! They haven't seen Harper in several months, so I know it will be a good time with them.

I'm thankful that Harper is getting better. We are so humbled by this journey with her health; and it creates a deeper trust in the Lord, as we are not in control of her tiny body. God is faithful!

I'm thankful for having the opportunity to celebrate my Grandpa's 80th birthday this previous weekend. I have learned many things from that man! He taught me how to shoot, how to hoot & holler at football games, and most importantly how to truly care for others. He is a light to those around him and because of him I know what a percolator is. When I call and ask how he is, he says 'I'm percolatin' pretty good for an old fella!' Love him.

I'm hoping this new bit will create in me a spirit of gratitude, even in the smallest of things! What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

  1. A few weeks ago, you and I talked about overcoming the fear of the "Publish" button on our blogs, and we encouraged one another to get over it. I'm thankful that we both have made steps toward that end, and that I get to read your wonderful thoughts and reflections on your life and passions for family, books and the Lord, among other things. Thanks for being a great friend and encourager to me!
