Wednesday, September 30, 2015

What I Learned | September

I would love to start linking up with Emily P. Freeman at the end of each month for a 'What I Learned' series.

During the month of September, I learned some simple things and some hard truths. Looking forward to all that October has in store!

1. Booking flights to New York on a whim can be SO much fun.

I caught Tyler trying to surprise me...and now I am pumped! We plan to go to The Lone Bellow show, and I'm not sure of what else, but it's going to be great! It will be our first trip together since Harper has been born. I'm so looking forward to some time together! Here's to finding some awesome things to do in New York!

2. I cannot control everything that happens to my child.

Parenting is humbling in this regard! I know in my head that I cannot control her and that she is in the Lord's hands; however, sometimes my heart doesn't want that. My heart wants to control all the details, the small and big things. I continually remind myself that she is His, she's never been mine, and I TRUST that!

3. I love The Lone Bellow band.

AND, we are going to see them in November. I could not be more excited! More importantly, listening to them during my work day creates such a beautiful marriage between output and enjoyment! Keep that music pumpin' and the work gets crankin' out. That is how my mind operates.

4. My soul needs rest.

A weekend, or even a few hours, away can be truly restorative. My heart needs rest. My mind needs rest. My body needs it too. I cannot tell you how beautiful it was to have a weekend away with some of my girlfriends. I'm so grateful that my husband was willing to take care of little Harper for the weekend, this mamma needed it!

5. I'm addicted to helping launch books.

I've taken part in four launch teams now. I so look forward to diving into the next book. This has been a beautiful opportunity to explore new authors and create a sense of urgency in reading a book in a timely manner. Plus, I'm so grateful for the community that has been built as a result of the launch team. The Lord has used these books in many ways in my life. And now I have more great recommendations, if anyone is in need!

6. Jen Hatmaker is awesome.

She invited everyone on her launch team to her house in September. Mind you, there are 500 people on the launch team. Bless her. There were over 200 of us that were able to make it & it was truly an incredible time! The discussions that were had while there were amazing! I'm praying that the Lord continues to use those relationships in my life.

7. Exercising is hard.

Goodness me. Working out after having a child (+ not working out much while pregnant) can be pretty stinking challenging. I signed up for my first 5k post-baby and I am so excited! I know it will be hard, but I need a goal. I need something to work toward, and Run 4 The Water 5K is it! Game on.

8. Blue Apron is a great thing.

We've been using Blue Apron for a few weeks now and it wonderful! With a very young babe, having a predetermined menu sent to your doorstep is a beautiful thing. I often don't have the capacity to think about things like dinner, or showering for that matter. The meals are delicious and healthy. Currently, it is worth it in this season of life.

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