It's Thursday! It's time for me to reflect on this week and express thanks for each and every thing. The good, the bad, and the ugly. :)
I am thankful for family time. Tyler had to travel, so we are enjoying some evenings at home. I love the simple things that we do as a family--cook, eat, bathe Harper. They are seemingly uneventful, but I love it. We are also planning to take Harper to see her first round of Christmas lights this weekend--it should be so awesome!
I am thankful for the opportunity to serve. We enjoyed a ladies staff day this week and I loved getting the opportunity to serve Blue Santa. We wrapped Christmas presents--and if you know me well, you know that I am awful at wrapping gifts. It was a challenge, but I loved it. I had a great time of community as well.
I am thankful for challenges. Challenges for me come in many forms--wrapping Christmas presents, writing for someone's blog, stretching myself, etc. I am thankful for those challenges because it gives me the opportunity to push myself and grow! Life is made sweeter when I can grown, stretch, and become better at something.
I am thankful for the opportunity to watch sweet Harper grow, change, and develop. She's changing rapidly. I don't want to miss any of it! Last weekend I watched Inside Out and I loved it. I want to cherish each memory with Harper.
I am thankful for Christmas lists and Amazon. Amazon Prime
is a beautiful thing and has allowed me to knock off a good portion of
my Christmas list. Prime has allowed me to shop without leaving the house, and it arrives at my house in TWO days. Everyone needs this in their lives.
I am thankful for hard days. Hard days make the easy days so much better and sweeter. Without the difficult days, I would grow tired of the good days. My innate desire is not to be satisfied with what I have, even the good days can become expected rather than treasured. I want to treasure each and every day!
I am thankful for simple truths. I often read aloud The Jesus Storybook Bible or Bedtime Bible Stories to Harper and I am often reminded of these beautiful, simple truths. Sometimes I need those reminders stripped down and simplified.
I am thankful for Advent. Other than gathering around an Advent wreath and lighting candles one Sunday per week in December, I don't remember knowing or participating much in Advent while growing up. Now that this will be Harper's first Christmas, we are looking forward to Christmas traditions with her. I want to be intentional with her, for her to see that the Advent season is all about the anticipation, waiting, and trusting in the coming of Christ.
I am thankful for fulfillment in Jesus. Advent is important in that we learn about Jesus being a true and better Adam. A true and better Moses. A true and better Noah. We no longer have to offer up a sacrificial lamb because He is the Lamb. We no longer have to light a menorah because He is the Light of Life. He fulfills all of God's promises. 2 Corinthians 1:20, "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ.
And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God."
What are you thankful for?
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