Good morning!
I'm linking up with a few other #ftllaunchteam ladies for this #FridayFive! Today I'll be sharing my five favorite books to re-read...and it's going to be tough! I have had the chance to read so many great books lately.
The Irresistible Revolution, Shane Claiborne. After reading this in high school, I was wrecked! Reading about the radical lives of Christians in other parts of the world, I was floored with how selfishly I was living. I hated it and wanted change EVERYTHING--thank you hormonal, teenage brain for thinking that I could do this all on my own! I have previously owned two copies of this book...I cannot find them currently. If you are someone that I lent this great read to, I'll take it back now. :) Click
here to snag a copy today!
The Reason for God, Tim Keller. This book is phenomenal. For every doubt
that I've had and every question that non-believers and believers alike
ask, it is addressed! Though it can be a little dense and difficult to
read at times (eg--when
it's bedtime and your brain is no longer functioning), it is packed
with great truth. Working with students, I find that this is a great
resource to have. He addresses the complexity of the Holy Spirit, I am
encouraged by Tim Keller and the response to doubt. If we learn further
into the truth through doubting and questioning, we will find it. Check out the
book for yourself!
Redefining Beautiful, Jenna Lucado. I LOVE using this text with middle and high school girls! Jenna discusses what God sees when He looks at us--His Son! The world is quick to put labels and expectations on us in all areas, Jenna writes about the Lord freeing us from that. I'm glad that I've been able to read through this with a few girls as it forces me to re-read it as well and I love it! Maybe it's because I wish I would have had this book while in those years of horrible hair and awkward dress, but I want each girl to own this book...or at least know the truth! Song of Songs 4:7, "You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you." Click
here to purchase a copy!
The Road to Becoming, Jenny Simmons. I so look forward to re-reading this book. I was blessed to take part in Jenny's launching of this book. No matter the season, her words meet you there. That being said, I know that I will be able to read this book over and over. I've already dog-eared and highlighted a bunch! Jenny invites you in to the personal stories of her life, her hardships and heartache, and shares what the Lord has done in her life through those things. It is comforting, encouraging, and funny.
Grab your copy today!
For the Love, Jen Hatmaker. I'm not just adding this because I am on her launch team. I am adding this because no matter what season of life I am in, I KNOW that I will be able to glean something from this book. It's a great and easy read, filled will truth bombs--both heart-wrenching and hilarious. Your heart needs the words in this book, as does mine. I will make a point to re-read For the Love often and I hope you do too! Purchase your copy
Bossypants, Tina Fey. Hilarious, again and again! Naturally, Tine writes in a way that will have you laughing out loud. While reading this book on a flight, read with caution! Hilarity will ensue and it could result in removal of persons on plane. Even better than reading it is listening to Tina read it!
Matilda, Roald Dahl. Probably my favorite book as a child. I always wanted to be Miss Honey. I despised the Trunchbull and definitely wanted a slice of that chocolate cake!
The Westing Game, Ellen Raskin. I cannot tell you how many times I read this novel as a kid. I loved catching new clues each time.
Nancy Drew Series, Carolyn Keene. Because I grew up reading these books, I naturally felt like I could protect myself and punch out the taillight of someone's vehicle if I ever got nabbed. Obviously I was a 5th grade bad ass.
Stephanie Plum Series, Janet Evanovich. Goodness, Stephanie gets herself into some crazy tales as a female bounty hunter and I love it! I read these on my iPad and devour them--though, I do not like the way Janet gives a synopsis of each character at the beginning of the book. If I'm reading the fifteenth book in the series, I'm fairly certain I know the characters and I'm invested in the story line. No need for the intro, Janet, Stephanie and I are BFFs.
Do you have any favorite books you like to re-read or want to?
After writing about all of these great books, I'm off to cozy up with a cup of coffee and book in hand!